Nisarga PU College

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Nisarga PU College

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Nisarga Vidyavahini School provides innovative learning space to children. Our school believes in inculcating best practice for an efficient learning. We have best environment, where children will be able to progress with attention, curiosity and a right discipline. Our school environment has been created with the focus on `SHOW THE PRIDE EVERYTHING YOU DO`. With the parents as partners we have followed a positive direction; we always welcome the critical feedback for the school improvement process

Previous achievers

Previous Achievers


Nisarga Vidyavahini College provides innovative learning space to children

Courses Offered


1: Kannada
2: English
3: Hindi


P C M B :

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology

P C M C :

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science


E B A C :

Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy, Computer Science

H E B A :

History, Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy

M S B A :

Mathematics, Statistics, Business Studies, Accountancy

C S B A :

Computer Science, Statistics, Business Studies, Accountancy

Principal Desk

Nisarga Vidyavahini College provides innovative learning space to children

Mr.Srinivas ST

(M.Sc in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics B Ed.)


Nisarga pre University college is a symbol of progressive and quality education. Our motto, “We build the citizens of tomorrow” captures the essence of our spirit. In our college, student will gain an all-round education and achieve their potential not just in the academic field but also in the field of sports and creative arts.

Our college is scaling new heights with excellent and reputed professionals training our student in a range of co-curricular activities like sports day, inter class competition, excursion etc

Most importantly, at the college, we are a team of dedicated faculties committed to the welfare of the students in our care. For us teaching is a passion and a calling The importance of installing good values in our students is our prime objective, So we try to hone the talents of our student in a manner that they reach up to their optimal potential.

In the process they acquire skills necessary to build as well-rounded a personality as possible. We are fortunate to enlist a team of committed and passionate lecturers who nurture our students on this path

We encourage questioning as we want them to be agile in their thinking. We stoke their spirit of discovery and enquiry. As Einstein remarked-Education is not so much the feeding of facts into the mind as the awakening of curiosity in the soul. We want our students to be lifelong learners

Our aim, importantly, is to make education a fun-filled, enjoyable, learning and growing experience on the solid foundation of values. We believe it is important to create an environment where students look eagerly forward to come to college We want them to have fond memories of their time spent with us, long after they have left the portals of the college.


“The vision of the college is to build a vibrant and inclusive learning community in a culture of excellence sustained by a sound value system that promotes responsible citizenship and effects social change.”


“The mission of the college is to empower young generation to face the challenges of life with courage and commitment, to be builders of a humane and a just society, and to promote a learning community in which all, especially those from less- privileged backgrounds, feel part of the collaborative high quality educational process which is value based and leads to holistic growth.”

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Nisarga Vidyavahini College provides innovative learning space to children

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